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Portfolio Reviews at Georgia Breeze

Portfolio Reviews

Are you a fellow designer looking to level up your portfolio? Unsure of what to include or how to showcase your best work?

Drawing on my experience as a qualified teacher and successful licensing artist, I offer personalised portfolio reviews designed to finetune your presentation and maximise your impact. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your existing portfolio, I'll provide practical tips and actionable steps to help you achieve pitch-ready results.

If you're interested in taking your portfolio to the next level, please get in touch to discuss how I can assist you on your journey to success.

Georgia Frost at Georgia Breeze

Portfolio Review Package: £150

This includes:

  • a review of your artwork prior to a Zoom call

  • 45-minute Zoom session

Prep For The Review

I will send you a short questionnaire so I can get to know you a little bit better. I will also ask you to send your artwork via WeTransfer. This can be individual pieces of work or an existing portfolio.


Following the portfolio review, I will send you feedback and actionable steps for you to take. I will also include a portfolio checklist/ information sheet.

Follow-Up Sessions

If you require additional Zoom sessions after the Portfolio Review, these cost £75 for 30 minutes.

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